Thursday, 22 January 2015

Brief Recap

After talking with Andrew last week about our planning we took a look back at the brief to make sure we meet certain criteria.  We looked back at our actual challenge to inspire the new generation (14-24) year olds that there is a solution to avoid animals becoming extinct.

We noticed that there was something we didn't pick up on which was our outcome has to be a digital element within our design.

I think we have to concentrate on iconic species, key habitats and our use of natural materials; That everything we do has an impact on our planet.

After speaking with Sue we decided we need to produce something that will engage the general public say if our design was displayed in the street.

We want to be interactive.  Our idea of creating posters hasn't completely been abolished but we want to incorporate interaction into these.  Maybe something shocking again using shock tactics or something that happens when someone walks past your board in the street.  We think this could be a great way to capture someones attention and get them involved into WWF and into the responsibility of looking after the planet and endangered species.

Within our planning we wish to work around being interactive and below are some basic images we would perhaps want to work around including interactivity.  This could include something physical happening or noises being activated.

Polar bear

Polar ice cap

African elephants

Rain forest scape

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