Thursday, 21 May 2015

Poster Progression

Here is the start up of my poster designs.  You can see below here is a screenshot James White's 'Explorer' poster which was a personal project for him.  I found every time I saw this poster the impact that the triangular shape makes.  Thats the focal point of his poster and I think I could create my own shape to represent or Present something as such.  This was obvious, the Above and Beyond logo.  I had to be careful as I want the logo to stand out but I don't want to make it electric, or on fire or something outrageously big as these are only promotion posters and I want them to stand out and have a feel of impact whilst remaining 'in order' to what the posters' purposes are.

Here is the icon I want to base my posters around.  This will be a trend throughout all as I am calling these 4 posters a series and they need to correlate together.

First off, I created a star background by filling in black and adding a noise filter then playing around with the adjustment levels and brightness to increase the stars and brightness.

After messing around with various Photoshop brushes, filters and effects I found I could create something that looked like something from outer space like a star cluster or nebula.  I liked this a lot and since I'm a novice in Photoshop compared to Illustrator I was fairly impressed as to what I made. This made me realise that my starey background could lead to a planet light sky.  And since Above and Beyond, its all in the name.  I wanted to have something as if its shot down form the sky and into the centre of the poster as if Above and Beyond have 'landed' for this great show.

I played around more and developed various brightness' and congrats between the colours.

That being said, I wanted to create some background gradients that started off like a universe and faded down into vibrant colour.

I added the stars and set the blending modes to screen so they could 'interact' with each other.

This was the difficult part.  I made this shape in Illustartor and found that I pasted it into Photoshop as a pixels icon instead of a smart object I could have a lot more freedom as to what I can do with it.  I found a suitable original colour for it and set the filter to Overlay.  I added some lightening to create a sense of 'just landed' sort of feel.  As if so say Above and Beyond is here and in style.

I added this gradient keeping trend with the first two colours which are black to blue at the top throughout all posters to keep a sky like feel.

I added the stars once again and added some more mysterious like texture to add depth which I previously said I love.  I played round the opacity levels throughout.

Here is the shape that I want to focus on with an added highlight at the tip for affect using a white brush on another layer with the blending mode set of overlay.

The same principle is applied here with a different gradient.  

The added shape and extra highlight at tip adds a illuminating feel to it as if it's pointing downwards.

Heres the added shape on another gradient texture.

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